Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Snow in Amsterdam.

I know I might sound like someone who's really 'jakun', but that's just because I really am! I don't really belong to the higher-end of society, whereby you get private jet rides on your birthday(not!), and I'm sure most of my audience have the same socio-economic background as myself, which is why I'm confident of putting up this entry without getting ridiculed too much!

It snowed here yesterday, 3 times in fact, twice in the day, once at night. Really, it was a sight to behold. It was by far the most beautiful sight I've witnessed my enitire life. Too bad, the pictures I captured do not really show that how beautiful it was: in fact from most of the pictures you cannot even see it was snowing! Haha. But I'm uploading 2 pics, the ones that displayed any semblance of snow.

The view from my window. This picture doesn't do justice to just how nice it was, I assure you.

The aftermath

I wished you all could have witnessed what I saw. And, it's only right that I end this entry with a special mention of my beloved sister: thanks for giving me such an opportunity. =)


Anonymous said...

aku setuju!! cuma darah naik kalau snow lebat sangat sampai kau stuck n can't go anywhere.. hahha.. njoy it while u can..


Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah, happy for you! Well, I'm just perantaraan.......Allah has planned everything perfectly! Memang it's written that you'll be in AMS this time of the year, with or without me....if it's written, it'll happen!
Can't wait to go there........though I won't get to see the snow. Just planning for the trip keeps me occupied. After the trip, I'm sure I'll be bored to death ;-) unless I plan the next trip. Hehee.......

Walid said...

Haha. Yes Ji. Tapi yg tak gerek die lepas snow. Sejuk nak mampos! Haha. And Kak, insya Allah every year got trip what, so you'll always be occupied. =)