Tuesday, March 18, 2008

History, culture and tradition.

Sunday night, at about 8.30pm, someone knocked on my door. It was the Iranian guy who lives at the 6th floor, and he said his wife and himself (his wife stays with him) wanted me to join them for dinner. I told him I already had dinner, but really appreciated the thought. 5 minutes later he came back knocking on my door, telling me that his wife insisted I join them, at least for tea. You see, the guy is a very mild and nice guy, and from the looks of it he's affected by the TB and QC "diseases" that plague some guys in relationships. Something like Ashraf and Hafiza probably? Hehe, no no, that's highly inaccurate, maybe more of Cassim and Farz? Haha, relax relax, just joking. Perhaps the more accurate representation would be Akmal and Rai? Hehe. Jokeng jokeng. But seriously. Haha. No, I'm just joking. Don't take it to heart. But.... Oh well. At least their girlfriends don't hate me! Hahahaha.

To the uninitiated, sorry for those 'inside jokes galore'. I just couldn't resist. Yang faham faham lah eh, yang tak faham, buat-buat faham!

Anyway, back to my story. I went over to their place, and another Turkish guy was there was well. I didn't know that there was another Muslim in my block apart from the Iranian couple. Dinner with them was awesome. Really. Well, I'm not referring to the food, coz I haven't had good food since I stepped in Europe, most of the food here are spiceless, but the company was great. You see, both the Iranians already have Masters' degrees in computer science, and was pursuing Masters in logic now, while the Turk is doing his post-doctorate studies: he already has a PHD from Turkey. So the conversations we had were wonderful. I felt in awe of such company at times. Really. They are really intellectual people, yet they are so humble.

And oh, they were talking a lot about Turkish and Persian history, tradition and culture. It was fascinating stuff. The Turks and Persians do have a bit of common history and culture. It was so embarassing since I didn't have any of those to talk about Singapore! Haha. But it was still fun. I spent about 2 hours there, we talked about politics, religion and anything and everything under the sun. It was truly splendid. =)

The night before, Jerome (the American guy next door) came to my room and said,"Dude, the guys in this level are having a beer in my room. I know you don't drink, but I feel it's only polite that I ask you along!" Haha. He stayed for a bit and we chatted for quite a while. He's really a nice bloke.

I feel so blessed that since I've been here, I've been surrounded by really really nice people, and I cannot thank God enough for that.


Anonymous said...

we thank God here too that you are there. stay there longer ok. please? we are NOT joking. give us your address. we will pass you money. do not come back. REALLY. you do not know how many people are so happy that you are there and not here. really.

Anonymous said...

wow anonymous.. u must realli be hating walid here.. mind if u reveal ur identity?

Walid said...

Wah, anonymous, such bold and fiesty comments. Haha. But as always, people who put up such comments do not put up their names. But judging by the entry, I can narrow down the options; as to who you are. Haha. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

narrow down options? you must really think people like you a lot. relek relek. jangan takut. ni hamba allah. dah pergi haji dah. Haha. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

dah agak dah. why dun you reveal your identity then if you really have went to haji before. how do you know walid?

Anonymous said...

kawan-kawan lama. siapa tak kenal walid jumblatt b abdullah. i know his father. and close friend of the family. go figure ok walid! as i say, we are very happy you are there. stay there.

Walid said...

Haha, haji (the real haji, bukan yg claim da hgi haji), tak payah layankan sangat lah orang gini. Tulis mcm2 tapi tak letak name. Haha. Jgn marah2 ji. Buang karen.

Anonymous said...

woohoo... this is interesting... 2 against 1? why dont we make it 2 against 2?

who agrees with anonymous say 'aye'!!

but i think we may be outnumbered on this one, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Haha. relek relek. joking ajer. Oh kau pakai nama aku dalam post kau boleh. aku main main sikit tak boleh. mana kau punya sense of humour abang walid sayang oi! haha.

Walid said...

Haha, to make it 2 on 2, anonymous had to come up with a new name (white ribbon)? Atr least leave a time gap lah in between your comments! Haha. The things people do. Okay okay, never mind.

And don't worry anonymous aka white ribbon, I'll still allow comments in my blog to be posted anonymously. Coz firstly, i find you entertaining. And who doesn't like entertainment right? =)
Secondly, you generate ratings for my blog,so I should thank you!

And btw this is the last I'm replying to your comments. Thanks for visiting my blog 5-6 times a day. Haha. And oh, you can still post comments despite no one 'layan'ing you, you can use whatever name you want: white ribbon, blue ribbon, green ribbon, colourless ribbon, haha, anything. At least you give me a good laugh.

Thanks again my "old friend". All the best!

Anonymous said...

Sesungguhnya orang2 yg beriman itu adalah bersaudara. Maka perdamaikanlah diantara kedua saudaramu itu dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah agar kamu mendapat rahmat:)

Walid said...

Who is this coward hiding behind Rizhan's name??? I mean, i have no probs whatsoever with what you're saying, but why are you so scared that you have to hide behind someone else's name, when you're saying the right thing???

I'm fine with cowards embarking on personal attacks anonymously, but writing a comment using someone else's name? I do have problems with that.

Anonymous said...

3 against 2. I hate you walid. Fuck you! Fuck newcastle!

Walid said...

Hahaha...Erm, i think Man, you sidetracked from the main topic! Haha. But i like you. Coz u put ur name. Haha.

Anonymous said...

apa time gap! tak ada ke masuk dalam akal abang walid yang mungkin lebih dari satu orag baca blog abang pasa satu masa. sia-sia antar belajar jauh jauh kat amsterdam.

apa rating! kalaulah, white ribbon = anonymous = rizhan = haji = luqman bukankah abang walid cakap dengan diri sendiri.
kelakar lah bang.

call me from amsterdam ok...,old friend. *wink*

as i was saying. i main-main ajer. think abang walid sayang oi! takkan tak kenal...

Anonymous said...

hallo hallo. copyright infringement.

Walid said...

Just to clarify people, only the Newcastle comment is by Luqman VJ-NUS-Miami, the kedi-sounding one is just another version of white ribbon.

Walid said...

Haha,sorry people. Luqman VJ-NTU-Miami. And copyright infringement is him btw. Haha.

Anonymous said...

halo halo. what people. its only me and you here lah walid. perasaannyer.

Anonymous said...

spooky. ive got multiple personalities now.

gad_ash said...

haha... so funny... who are these crazy people walid? are they your friends??

Anonymous said...

aku mcm nk cakap (dh ckp pon), asal macam bapok tanak letak nama?? org melayu ada cakap- lempar batu sembunyi tangan? sama cara ke?

Anonymous said...

malu aku jadi orang melayu. nasib baik mak aku arab. bapak aku india. bodoh lah melayu ni semua.

Anonymous said...

to haji imposter: tu bukan bapak aku, to bapak kau!

Anonymous said...

eh apa ni 3 on 2?? cmon ah..ajak 3 on 3...JALAN DAH!

Anonymous said...

bapak aku orang melayu! bodoh! tak macam mak kau! pukimak punya haji imposter!

Anonymous said...

dis is getting too much ah.. kalau ya pon nk maki2 jgn pakai nick aku ah eh.. thx..


Anonymous said...

apa ni kal, yang kau gi maki dia asal? sabar jie. sabar. ok. noone comment anymore on this blog ok. jangan layan. serious. let this be the last comment.

Anonymous said...

cheap thrill, sial.

(ss ayub)

Walid said...

I urge all parties concerned, let's hold back: just for 1 day, 1 day only, to repect our Prophet's (s.a.w) birthday. After that you all can continue.=)

Anonymous said...

whats this bro. we are on your side walid. what makes you think we want to continue all this.

Anonymous said...

I feel kinda flattered somebody wants so much to be me.

(s.i. eric loh)

Anonymous said...

everybody just shut the fuck up lah. kalau tak layan she wont write anything kan. man, biarkan jer. jangan layannnnn. listen to what walid is saying.

Anonymous said...


This is terrible, for everyone involved in this. How dare you pronouce our Prophet's name (swh) in the midst of all this anger and ridiculeness.

Astargfirulllahhalazim, do you think Our Prophet would be happy because you guys 'kept it down' during his birthday.

On his deathbed, our Prophet announced that one of his greatest fears was that his umma would love him more than they love Islam itself.

The comment about stopping to respect the Prophet's birthday should have never been posted.

You should have posted way earlier before all this got worse AS A MUSLIM. BECAUSE ISLAM FORBIDS US TO BICKER AMONG BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

you do not need the Prophets Birthday to stop this nonsense.


Anonymous said...

And blog owner, the fact that you used the Prophet's name and birthday and then said that 'After that you all can continue'


The true meaning of Islam and loving our Prophet (swh) is first to understanding the Quran and then to follow his good traits as closely as possible.


Do not misuse our Prophets name or the Hajj with such superficiality. I bid you farewell and a good day, Insya-Allah.

Hasanul Arifin said...

Walid, hamlau kat atas ni bukan Hasan yg ko kenal ehk, aku tkde kena mengena dgn isu ni, ni 2nd tym aku msok blog ko. The 1st tym i visited it was wen Hannah asked me whether i wrote tat comments on the Wahhabbi ting, which i didn't :)

Walid said...

Haha, Hassan. Jgn takut. Aku tau lah siapa yang betul, siapa yang bukan. Haha. Wah. Sampai kau dah ditarik dalam ni issue Hassan? Ni dah menjadi-jadi. Sorry eh Hassan!

Anonymous said...

Assalamoalaikum Hasan,

hasan, you are more afraid of walid than you are afraid of standing up for whats right in the eyes of God?

Betulkan apa the other 'hassan' cakap. Why do you not support him rather than be so defensive and say its not you.

Focus on the issue. There are more than just to the eyes my dear MS champion. you dissapoint me.

La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzolimin...

Ya Muqallibal Qulub Tsabit Qalbi 'Ala dinnika.

Anonymous said...

by the way this is not the imposter. i just got to know about this blog from a friend who says that NUSMS members are engaging in some nonsense net squabble including the NUSMS president.

Hasanul Arifin said...

Salam brother,
I treasure my friendship with Walid. And as far as im concerned, posing as another person with the intention to create conflict between 2 brothers is wrong.

Dahlar Walid, jgn layan hamlau2 cmni. Ko dudok Amsterdam zikir bnyk2 sudah, ader dis Dutch minister nak showcase film 'Fitna' yg anti-Islam. Aku doakan ko slmt ar..

Walid said...

Oh, Hassan, thanks a lot.=) Ni baru orang yang beradab. =) Ohh aku tau pasal minister tu. Takpe, kite tak payah risaukan sangat org2mcm Minister tu. Allah akan balas die dgn se-appropriate balasan. Now itself, that guy is living in fear. He's under 24hrs protection. Ni baru balasan dunia.=)

Irulis said...

Hi all,

Haikal pointed out to me that my name came out in the comments.

I don't know whether the guy was really using his real name but you don't know many ppl whose name is spelled exactly that way.

If it was an imposter attempt then somehow it's both despicable and flattering at the same time.

It's interesting though to wonder where he got my name from or if this guy knows me. Like how did I get dragged into this?

- Hoirul

Walid said...

Hi Hoirul, Obviously the guy was trying to impersonate you. If you have been reading this blog, you would know that the impostor is from NUS, and he's in MS' yahoo grps as well. Anyway, I humbly apologize that ur name got dragged into this.