Feeling good, because of my beloved sister-in-law.=) You see, she has been so sweet to post me some foodstuffs, most of which are ingredients for me to cook my food, those of the instant kind. She said she was sad when she heard that I only bolied chicken in my first week, thus she went to this length. Now to you guys, this would be ordinary and wouldn't make you elated, but to someone who has been eating curry chicken of his own half-past-six cooking for the past 20 days (which doesn't even taste like curry!), this is like manna from heaven. Only difference is, it's from my heavenly sister-in-law. =)
All the stuff she sent.

Feeling good, is apparently, NOT how my family feel about my hair. They must be so concerned about the state that it is in (after webcamming with me), that they decided to send a remedy for it.

Feeling good, was also how I was not after receiving some letters from the university. Why? Because they are all in freaking Dutch! The uni, which knows I'm an exchange student, sends me letters in Dutch! How smart is that!!! Thankfully, this German girl I know who stays at the 3rd floor (i'm on the 5th), knows how to speak and read dutch. She is really a nice person, the nicest in my block I think. I hardly see her around, but I know I'll see her the next time I get a letter.
Feeling good, coz I saw my kids at the weekend on webcam. After a long time.
Feeling good, must be how my my room mate feels about himself. You see, he was telling me yesterday that so far every module he has taken, at least 50 percent of the students fail (there's no bell curve system here). Hmm. This is partly due to the possibility of the Europeans not being so smart, but mostly due to the fact that the Europeans, especially the exchange students here, are not really interested in studying: they wanna party all the way! Haha. Oh, my room mate has been scoring an average of 8 points (it's a 10-point grading system here), so that explains why he should be feeling good.
Feeling good, MUST be how the American students feel all the time! Every day, or every other day, they will have a party at night on the 3rd floor; drinking, taking weed (I've learnt how to tell its smell) and consequently, making a fool of themselves. Haha. They will be dancing around, or at the very least, laughing 10 times louder than me and irritating all their neighbours. Haha. The German gal, Kristina, was telling me how annoying it is that they party almost every night, coz it's right in front of her door! Haha. Surprisingly, they haven't had any for the past 3 nights. Hmm. Something is wrong somewhere. Oh well.
Feeling good. coz every sunday, my friends and I will have a lepak session online. That will be the time of the week when I laugh the loudest and hardest. When 7 years worth of inside jokes come out, you can bet your last dollar that it will surely feel good.
Feeling good. Period.
awww... tts so sweet.. see u on Sunday my bro.. oi lambat sikit ah jumpa.. aku keje pe..
Aawww... so touching. Tapi kau jgn terperanjat kalau nanti ade org hantar prata dari singapore kat rumah kau! Haha. I guess this means that you were right. Things can only get better over there. You're getting yourself MORE used to and comfortable with the AMS. Hope you take this as a pushing factor for you to make your trip there a very memorable(in a good sense) one!
Aww...U know what's more touching guys? Clue: It involves a candle and some chocolates.
Lucky to be overseas rite! Ppl adore you more than ever ;-0 Make sure you use the hair cream........Don't wana see your hair in that state in Jun ;-)
Haha, yar, i feel more loved than ever before. And I had to be alone to feel such. The irony.
Assalamualaikum :)
Okay 5 things.
1) I'm finally tagging so you can stop pestering me now.
2) I am so very glad that you're feeling good a lot these days and you're settling down okay. Yayy!
3)I think that the cekak is an effective tool to hold your hair and the hair cream is probably doing a good job moisturising it but what you need most is a hair cut. So, GO CUT YOUR HAIR.
4)"They (the American kids) will be dancing around, or at the very least, laughing 10 times louder than me and irritating all their neighbours." Erm, laughing 10 times louder than you?? How is that possible?
5) I probably say this a lot but your presence is missed! And trust that I (and so many other people I'm sure) always pray for things to go your way so InsyaAllah, you'll have more of these 'feel-good' days. I hope to see you soon! :)
-Atiqah :)
Atiqah! Here's the response to your 5 points!
1)Thanks for finally tagging!
2)Thanks for sharing my joy!
3)Hair cut? Haha. I think I'll pass.
4) I guess when you're high on weed, anything's possible. Hehe.
5) Your presence is missed too! And thanks for your continued prayers. May God bless you as well. =)
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