Thursday, January 10, 2008

Here we go

Firstly, let me just say having this blog doesnt mean I believe in blogging, nor do I think it's okay. I'm having this for practical purposes, practical being Amsterdam.

Anyway, since I'm now over to the dark side, I just wanna assure you people that my blog is gonna be a little different from the mainstream blogs out there. For one, I won't be writing nonsense (by my definition) here. No blog, save 1, that I've been to my entire life have I found to be meaningful. Even that 1 which I did find meaningful was because that person didn't blog about his everyday life, he blogged about his on-the-job experience. Sadly, the government didn't find it as meaningful as I did.

Now, some blogs I've been to, tho not meaningful, are quite tolerable. But some, are nothing short of pathetic. I've been to a blog where a gal was actually venting her anger on her dad, who was cheating on her mum! Come on lah, don't wash your dirty linen in public. If u mati-mati need to blog about it, at least privatise it lah. Another blog that i just can't stand is one that i was introduced to by Akmal. It irked me so much that was the first and last time i visited it. To save me the trouble; My personal favourite is the burberry's entry. Haha.

Some of you might be going, "What the hell, it's their blog, they can write whatever they want. Who the hell are you to judge?" Well, you are right. Which is why I can write anything on my blog.=)

Anyway, I promise to excite you, to ignite you, to delight you with this blog. Hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I would enjoy writing it. See you soon then.

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