Thursday, October 9, 2008

Countdown to 9 months from now.

The Sheikh has left. Somehow, it feels so much different this time. Maybe it's because of Ramadhan, which got us ever so close, much closer than before. Some people say that they have a sheikh, a "guru mursyid"; well i have one too i suppose, but he's more than just a sheikh; he's a friend, a companion, a brother, a teacher, someone who shares most if not all of my ideals, and someone, whom, if push comes to shove, I know i can bring to war with! Yup2, most of the adjectives I just used can be used to descirbe my other friends as well, no doubt; which is what makes our group so special in my eyes.

At the airport, when I hugged him, i just didn't want to let go. I didn't know if that was going to be our last hug, though I pray that there will be many more to come.

I'm really looking forward to next Ramadhan, where insya Allah Rizhan will be back here, Haikal will be here, and hopefully so will the other 'long-lost-during-Ramadhan-people'. I'm waiting for next Ramadhan, anxiously.


Rizhan said...

Salam 'alaik...apakah diri ini di kalangan the 'long-lost-during-ramadhan-people' ? if the ans is yes ,sorie ya...but,i feel that the 'long-lost-during-ramadhan-people' must have their own reasons :)

Anonymous said...

sesungguhnya aku ade 2 kehilangan tahun ni.. yang pertama, ramadhan tanpa sahabat2.. yang kedua, ramadhan tanpa syeikh.. :( insya Allah kita ketemu lagi 9 bulan..

Anonymous said...

i'm not one of the "long-lost-during-ramadhan-people", but "long-lost-since-the-stayback-people". I really look forward to meeting you guys again. i'll tell you why the next time we meet... and it doesnt have to be the next ramadhan..

Anonymous said...

haha.. biar long lost in physical sense and not spiritual...

Muhammad Norhafiz said...

apa apa... siapa ni long lost.
i am looking forward for sheikh nye class. insyAllah dapat kita berkumpul lagi untuk menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan.

Anonymous said...

apa lost... aku ada pe.