Saturday, July 5, 2008

All good things must come to an end.

As cliche as it might be, i don't think i could describe my stay more aptly. I'm returning home tomorrow, insya Allah, and should be reaching Singapore on sunday. I know there a few entries that i should have written i.e top 10 wrse quotes on blogs, more epsiodes of chronicles of the impostor etc, but due to time constraints, and the fact that I have to end this blog before i get back (because of that bloody team from Manchester), I apologise for my inability to do so.

My dad, brother and mum (again) came here and we went to London; actually my dad and i met them straight at London, which explains my recent disappearance from the blog.

I hope you guys have enjoyed reading my blog as much as I've enjoyed writing on it. My blog may not hvae been the best, may not have even been the most popular, but no one can doubt it is the most controversial one around, in NUS circles i mean. Haha. Wait, rather than calling it controversial, i should say it has been the most electrifying blog in NUS. I mean, it has to be, since it's the people's blog. What? I said it's the people's blog. Okay2, enough of the wrestling stuff, before Jen make noise again.

If i have in any way offended anyone, please take note that it has been unintentional (except towrads the impostor, whoever you are,:p), thus i humbly and sincerely apologise for it.

This blog has definitely broght me closer to some people whom previously i did not even talk to, and even those who were already close enough; therefore it's only right that i thank each and every one who has visited/commented on this blog (this time, including the impostor).

For those who do wanna catch up with me and all, do give me a msg/call, i will be more than willing to do so. For those who don't want to, err, you can still give me a msg/call lah.

I guess i hafta end with: All that was good was from Allah, and all that wasn't, was from my own ignorance and stupidity, which i hope you guys will overlook.

Let us all turn our attention to then.

Chronicles Of The Impostor: Ep 3 ~ A week in the life of the impostor.

Here's my third and final episode (final, due to time constraints) of the chronicles of the impostor. Bear in mind that in this entry, a day refers to a period of time, rather than a day as in 24 hours. And of course, this is what I think what the impostor's thoughts are, after taking into consideration his actions via my blog, i'm not referring to any specific person; unless of course any person wants to step up and claim responsibility. In that case of course, that particular individual will 'terasa pedas'. If not, then just enjoy this as some piece of stroy-telling.=)

Day 1:

Dear diary,

I'm a walking piece of junk. But how do i get people to know this? Oh i know! I'll beat up a gal right in NUS! People will surely know that i'm a piece of trash then!

*moments after beating up the gal*

Ahh, now i feel good. Now i shall go home, and to cap a good day, i shall listen to some backstreet boys.

Day 2:

Dear diary,

People still think that I'm a nice guy. Hmm, what shall i do??? Ah, i know! I'll insult someone's mum! Right in his face!

*after getting his ass whooped by the guy whose mum he insulted*

Shit! Now people will know that i'm just a useless fat guy who claims to be an ex-gangster but cannot fight for nuts. What shall i do? I'll sleep over it.

Day 3:

Dear diary,

Yes! I've got an idea! I'll make a police report, pretending as if i was the victim! This will get me out of embarassment! And after that, i'll tell people that i felt good after making the report, because it was the right thing to do! What a genius i am! Now my mind is at ease. Hence, i'll take 3 viagra before going to sleep.

Day 4:

Dear diary,

Hmm, writing entries on my blog about the malay community and pretending to be a 'pejuang bangsa' doesn't seem to generate enough publicity for me. Maybe it's just becuase it's not that hard to see right through my pathetic carcass. I know! I shall infiltrate the people's blog (Walid's blog that is, :p)! This will make me famous faster than doing a striptease (which i do in the mirror sometimes) at the Forum will! Yay!

Day 5:

Dear diary,

I've done so much evil on the people's blog (hehe), that i fear many people are after my ass. What shall i do now? Oh, why don't i do what i do best? Make a police report! I shall tell the police false stuff about Walid! Phew! Now i won't be in trouble! thank God for the men in blue!

Day 6:

Dear diary,

Now, i think it's best for me to rot in some jungle, coz everyone already knows what kind of a person i am.

Day 7:

Dear diary,
I'm a walking piece of junk. Period.